Priory Infant School

Art and Design


We take art and creative work very seriously at Priory. Children are given many opportunities to be artists, using different materials and tools and to develop a wide range of art and design skills. They learn a variety of techniques in order to communicate their ideas visually – both in 2D and 3D form. Creative opportunities weave through our Early Years areas, both inside and out, children explore ephemeral art in our wooded area, mix natural paints and use a variety of tools for mark making.

In Year 1 the children are given their own sketchbook, which they take with them on their artistic journey through the school. Each year group has their own Art Cart where children are encouraged to select their own media and surfaces to work on, the observation trays provide stimuli for observational drawings and are tweaked to make connections with topic learning. Children create individual and collaborative art works, and outcomes are celebrated throughout our communal areas.

Our annual Art Week, focusing on various artistic themes and skills always produces excitement, enjoyment and brilliant displays to be shared with our families and the local community.

Our termly creative newsletter, ‘Inspire!’ keeps our families informed of both school-based art activities and local arts events. We consider it vital to provide the children with opportunities to appreciate art from different cultures and a range of diverse artists.

Children in Year 1 and 2 have opportunities to take part in nationally recognised Arts Award activities at Discover or Explore level.


Road Map


Skills and Progression Maps