Priory Infant School

Breakfast Club

Our Breakfast Club continues to be very popular and we are pleased to be able to offer this service to you and your children. At only £3 per day we feel that it offers great value for money.

We provide a choice of healthy breakfasts and high quality child-care. Breakfast Club runs Monday to Friday in our Community Room from 8am.

  • Parents will be asked to state in advance how many sessions per week they will use Breakfast Club each term.
  • We ask parents to pay for the agreed number of sessions each week in advance on the first day their child attends.
  • We know that some parents work shifts so the days of the week may change – this is fine and we are happy to be flexible about which days your child attends as long as you have paid for the right number of sessions. 
  • If your child does not attend (due to absence or other reasons) we will not be able to refund or carry over that session’s payment.
  • We are still happy to take children on an “ad hoc” basis for those parents who need to use Breakfast Club on odd occasions – these must be paid for on the day.
  • At the end of each term our Breakfast Club Manager will write to parents to let you know if any monies are owed or if you are in credit.

If you require a place at Breakfast Club for your child please complete the form in the School Office.