Priory Infant School

Curriculum Overviews


In all primary schools the curriculum will teach effective knowledge and skills to enable the pupils to ‘know more, remember more, and do more’. There will be a focus on developing the characteristics of effective learning so that pupils across all year groups acquire the behaviours that they need in order to learn and approach learning with enthusiasm, curiosity and resilience.

Careful curriculum planning will ensure that pupils are presented with meaningful learning opportunities to develop their confidence and independence and support them with being able to use what they have learned and apply it in new situations.

  • The Early Years curriculum must link clearly to the curriculum of the rest of the school with a clear thread from Early Years to Year 2
  • The Early Years curriculum will follow the principles of Early Excellence
  • The teaching of reading must be a priority and the Phonics scheme adopted by the school must be an approved DFE curriculum which is adhered to consistently and accurately in all year groups.
  • Literacy must be a clear focus in all subjects, not just in English, with an emphasis on writing and oracy.
  • The curriculum will always take careful account of enabling SEND and disadvantaged pupil in planning and delivery through Quality First Teaching and the Mainstream Core Standards.
  • Maths will take a mastery approach.
  • Science will be investigative in approach.
  • Foundation subjects must be broad and balanced and offer effective opportunities for making links across the curriculum, broadening pupils’ knowledge and understanding of the world and be effectively assessed against what the pupils are intended to know.

Teachers map out the learning for each year group over the academic year.  Curriculum overviews show the planned learning for each year group.