Early Years
Children in Early Years learn through a balance of child-directed and adult-initiated activities.
Continuous Provision refers to the resources and learning opportunities accessible to children all of the time within the provision. This provision will invite the children to interact, explore and learn. The adult's role is to interact purposefully, following the lead of the child.
Carefully planned continuous provision will enable children to learn skills, will challenge their thinking and help them to embed concepts. It should also provide the context for a variety of learning conversations between children and adults with rich opportunities for modelling and extending speech and vocabulary. It is within this learning environment that the children will also develop key learning attributes. The planned environment should impact positively on children’s engagement, independence, collaboration, self-confidence, resilience and curiosity.
The timetable is carefully structured so that children have direction teaching in phonics, English and Maths each day.
Children are provided with time to engage in exploration throughout the experiences that are carefully planned to engage and challenge them in the provision. The curriculum is planned for both inside and outside of the classroom and equal importance is given to learning in both areas.
View our Early Years Policy.