Green Class Curriculum Information
Welcome to Term 3!
This term our topic is ‘Castles’. For more details about the topic, please see the topic web on the back of this letter.
To celebrate the end of our topic we will have a special ‘Castles Day’ on Wednesday 12th February. Children can come to school wearing castle themed costumes. Please do not feel the need to buy a costume. Here are some costume ideas;
- Fancy party clothes for a prince or princess
- Cut up old clothes and rags for a peasant
- Boxes can be made into helmets and shields for a knight.
In the morning, there will be medieval music and dancing, castle activities and a quiz. In the afternoon, parents/carers are invited to join us for craft activities in the hall on Wednesday 12th February at 1.45pm. We will need LOTS of cardboard boxes of all sizes and Pringle style tubes, please bring these in at any time convenient to you and we will store them.
We will be reading in small groups with your child, providing an opportunity to practice the skills from our daily phonics lessons. Children will read a new book each week, having opportunities to develop blending, expression and comprehension skills. We will be sharing lots of wonderful books, linked to our topic, during story times. In our daily phonics lessons, we will continue to learn new graphemes and will be focusing on developing blending and segmenting skills with new graphemes. We will be building fluency with graphemes we already know, reading the words without sounding out. We will also be continuing to practice reading the ‘tricky’ words that cannot be sounded out.
During Term 3 we will be developing our dance and dodgeball skills in PE. Our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday. A polite reminder please ensure all clothing is named and children bring a bottle of plain water to school every day.
Remember, we are here to support our children and families so if you have any questions or concerns about anything, please do ask and we will do our best to help.
Thank you for your ongoing support, the Year 1 Team