Priory Infant School


Music is an important aspect of a young child’s life and we endeavour to develop their experience through a range of musical activities.

Every child has an opportunity to experience a wide variety of music through listening, composing and performing. We have an extensive range of percussion instruments and musical resources for all children to use and we follow the exciting Oaks academy music scheme.

Children love to perform both during class time and on stage in the playground, and we plan in opportunities for them to learn to sing, perform rhymes, songs and routines as they take part in annual Christmas Productions and events throughout the school year.

 As a school we integrate music within the Zones of Regulation and in our Nurture group using resources such as We aim to make music accessible and inclusive to all at Priory where each student’s budding talent is cultivated and for music to be enjoyed throughout the school year.


Skills and Progression Maps