Priory Curriculum
The curriculum encompasses everything the children learn when they are in school. We have designed our school curriculum to be much more than just meeting the requirements of the National Curriculum subjects and Early Years Foundation Stage. Our curriculum covers how children learn as well as what they learn.
We encourage our pupils to be independent, resilient, creative and adventurous. Through our Super Learning Powers we teach children lifelong learning skills that will stay with them and stand them in good stead throughout their lives. We want our curriculum to be:
- Purposeful – so that the children can see why they are learning
- Motivating – so that they want to learn, and to keep learning
- Personal – so that every child feels included Memorable – so that children can feel proud of their achievements
Wherever you go in our school you will be able to see our curriculum in action:
- Vibrant displays and resources across all the different subject areas which reflect our curriculum ethos and current topics. Recent children’s work and photographs of the children exploring and learning are displayed in every area of the school.
- Exciting topic-openers that get the children “hooked” into the learning straight away.
- Learning happening inside and outside – we use our extensive school grounds as an outdoor classroom e.g. problem solving on the playground for design technology and maths projects, taking photos or video of seasonal changes, pond dipping or gardening.
- Children who want to have a go and are not afraid to make mistakes – they know that challenging ourselves makes us better learners and that finding something hard, practising it and improving it, makes our brains grow!
- PowerPoints and films of school events, visitors and visits are often shown on the screen in our front entrance area so that visitors to the school can get a flavour of all the wonderful things our children get to do.
We keep our parents informed about their child’s learning by:
- Sending home termly curriculum newsletters for each year group
- Recording and sharing learning via Tapestry online platform
- Keeping our Facebook page updated
For more information on individual subjects please follow the links.