Sports Premium Review 2023/2024
Review of spend and key achievements
Activity/Action |
Impact |
Comments |
Celebrated and participated in National Fitness Day, Healthy Living Day and Sports Week.
Attended 14 inter-school sports events.
Range of extra-curricular sports activities/clubs offered.
Organised intra-school sports events.
Improved PE and Sport provision for children with SEND.
Increased opportunities for active play.
Organised a Change4Life Club
‘Fun Safe Swim’ sessions for Year 2 children.
New PE Scheme, CPD, Improved resources. |
The children had the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of different sports and physical activities, which enthused them to take interest in sport. They have increased their knowledge of healthy living and exercise. Sporty children were given opportunities to excel. Children who were less confident in sport, had opportunities to succeed and feel proud. Sports Values were further embedded.
80% of Year 2 children have participated in at least one of fourteen organised inter-school sports events. Priory Infants came in 2nd place in 4 out of 5 competitions entered this year.
90% of children across the school participated in extra-curricular sports clubs.
100% of children in all year groups participated in organised intra-school sports events throughout the year!
Inclusion in PE and Sport - Increased number of children with SEND in Year 2 have now participated in an inter-school sports event and all children participated in swim sessions. Many children with SEND have participated in after-school sports clubs and participated in active play activities. Children with SEND have accessed some PE with subject leader.
More opportunities for all children to participate in physical activities were provided and students worked specifically with some children with SEND to provide further opportunities and develop confidence.
Groups of identified children (PP/SEN/SEMH) have participated in a Change4Life Club which has increased their understanding of healthy, active lifestyles, improved their understanding of how to play in a range of safe activities, and generally developed confidence.
Children increased confidence in water and developed understanding of water safety. Many children have taken up swimming as a result.
Teaching and learning in PE is consistently good across the school.
PE and sport has become an integral part of our school and the sports values are embedded in the ethos of Priory Infants.
We always enter every event to ensure all children who want to represent the school at a sports event have the opportunity.
Pupil voice will be used to decide the clubs offered next year.
Children had different opportunities to compete against themselves and others. A range of different opportunities will be offered next year.
Continue to offer and develop opportunities for SEND pupils to engage in PE and Sport.
More resources and training required to develop further.
During pupil voice, 100% of children who took part in the Change4Life Club enjoyed it, found it beneficial and said it increased their interest in PE and Sport.
100% of children stated that they enjoyed swimming sessions and increased their confidence in the water.
Review of the new scheme at the end of the year. |