Year 2
Please see below the overview of learning for Year 2.
Autumn 1 |
Autumn 2
Spring 1 |
Spring 2 |
Summer 1 |
Summer 2 |
Topic |
Around the World |
Our Colourful Past |
Amazing People |
Zoo |
Chocolate |
Character/setting description Simple recount/newspaper report Free verse poem Instructions
Letter about Scotland Fact file Information piece comparing school in China and Ramsgate Story |
Short narrative Diary entry inspired by Samuel Pepys about The Great Fire of London Information Fable |
Fact file Extended recount Poetry |
Traditional Tale with innovations Story Free verse poem |
Extended writing: traditional tale Longer narrative |
Place value Addition and subtraction Shape |
Money Multiplication and division Length and height Mass, capacity and temperature |
Fractions Time Statistics Position and direction |
How can we compare the suitability of a variety of everyday materials? How can we change the shape of some solid objects?
What are the differences between things that are alive, dead and never been alive? How can we use fair testing to carry out an investigation? |
What animals are suited to different environments? |
What do plants need to grow and stay healthy? How do seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants? How can we classify and group plants? |
What do living things need to survive? What are their stages of growth? How do animals get their food from other animals/plants? What food chains can we use to describe these relationships? How can we group animals? |
Why is exercise, healthy eating and personal hygiene important? How can we grow a mature plant? |
How can I use a source to find out and answer questions about the past?
How can we order a series of events on a timeline?
How can we find out about significant events, people and themes from the past? |
How can we describe what significant people from the past did and how it has impacted the way we live today? |
How can we describe and give detail about a local historic event? |
How has the way people lived their lives changed over time? |
How can we use maps, atlases and globes to compare the four countries in the UK? What are the key characteristics of the four countries and their capital cities?
How can we locate the seven continents and five oceans in the world? How can I use a map, globe or atlas to identify 4 other countries in the world? |
What vocabulary can we use to describe daily and seasonal weather patterns? |
What are the similarities and differences between Antarctica and where we live? |
What must we include on a map? What language can we use to describe features of an area? |
Where does chocolate come from and what are the physical differences to where we live? |
Online Safety (‘Lee and Kim’, Webster’ & ‘Dongle the Rabbit’)
How can we use instructions to control a toy and debug a simple program? How can we use computing to safely research the continents of the world?
How can we use programming software to make objects move the way we want? |
How can we use technology in our daily lives and how can we use the internet safely? |
How can we use technology to collect and record information? |
How can we use computing to create a book with text and images? (Book Creator) |
How can we safely communicate with others using technology? (Email Detectives) |
How can we use weaving to create a pattern? How can we replicate texture and pattern when using clay?
How can we use weaving to create a tartan pattern? How can I recreate texture using a range of media when making a Christmas card collage? |
Who was Henry Moore? How did Henry Moore create his drawings? |
How can we mix secondary colours? Who is Vincent van Gogh? How can we use different media to create texture when painting? |
Who is Pablo Picasso? What is Cubism? How can we use shading to create depth? Who is Zaha Hadid? What does an architect do? What is a sculpture? |
What skills can we use to develop our own art exhibition? |
DT |
How can we use materials to make an egg carrier that is fit for purpose? How can we use mechanisms to create a moving toy?
How can we design, make and evaluate our own Christmas decorations? |
How can we use our knowledge to build a structure, applying methods to make it stronger, stiffer and more stable? |
How can we prepare food hygienically? -Pancake topping. |
How can we join materials to create a puppet? |
How can we safely and hygienically prepare a healthy dish? |
RE |
Who is Christian & what do they believe?
How & why do we celebrate special & sacred times? |
Who is Jewish & what do they believe. |
How can we learn from sacred books? |
How should we care for others & the world, and why should it matter? |
Tony Chestnut Carnival of the animals Year 2
Christmas production |
Grandma rap |
Orawa Trains |
Swing-a-long with Shostakovich Charlie Chaplin |
Tanczymy labada Year 2 End of School production |
PE |
Gymnastics Ball Skills
Large Apparatus Football Christmas Dances |
Dance Games – Dodgeball |
Orienteering Games – Tennis, Kickball |
Orienteering Games – Tennis, Kickball |
Athletics Games – Cricket, Rounders Sports week |
VIPs (Relationships)
Safety First (Health and Wellbeing) |
One World (Living in the Wider World) |
Digital Wellbeing (Relationships) |
Money Matters (Living in the Wider World) |
Growing Up (Health and Wellbeing |
British Values |
Rule of law (linked to golden rules)
Democracy |
Mutual respect & tolerance of different faiths and religions (link to RE) |
Individual liberty |
Recap all BVs |