Priory Infant School


Year R

Please see below the overview of learning for Year R.



 Autumn 1

 Autumn 2

 Spring 1

 Spring 2


Summer 1 

Summer 2 









Speaking and Listening

Names and labels


Speech bubble


An instruction


Simple sentence to recount an experience

Line of poetry for class poem

Sentence based on a story


Information label or caption

Factual sentence

Longer note/letter

Describing sentence

Sentence to describe familiar character

Retell a story

Explanation sentence

Longer sentence

Personal recount

Sentence using new vocab

Retell a recycled story


Getting to know you

Match, sort and compose

Talk about measures and patterns

It’s me 1 2 3

Circles and Triangles

1 2 3 4 5

Shapes with 4 sides

Alive in 5

Mass and Capacity

Growing 6 7 8

Length, Height and Time

Building 9 and 10

Explore 3D shapes



To 20 and beyond

How many now?

Manipulate, compose and decompose

Sharing and Grouping

Visualise, build and map

Make connections


Understanding the World


Harvest & Autumn

National sports day How our bodies work

Life cycles: caterpillar to butterfly.

What is harvest?

What is the weather like in Autumn?

How does dough change when we make bread?


Exploring light and dark

Exploring winter weather


What is the weather like in Winter?

How is the weather


What do we

wear in winter? Why?

Exploring the habitats in

school, Planting seeds/bulbs

What do plants need to grow?

How can we look after


What is the lifecycle of a


Spotting signs of spring

What is the weather like in Spring?

How is the weather


What do we know about

‘Yucky Worms’?

Gardening and mini beast hunts

What is a minibeast?

What minibeasts can you find?

How can you describe your minibeast?

How is your minibeast  different to your friend’s minibeast?


Trips to Nature Reserve

and the beach

International space week


What is the weather like in

Summer? How is the

weather different? What do we wear in summer? Why?

What do we know about ‘Surprising Sharks?


Understanding the World


What was different at

school and home when my mum & dad were children?

How was it different when my nan and grandad where


History in Nursery Rhymes: Polly put the kettle on

How have homes changed?

Christmas in the past.

What have their families

done during Christmas’ in the past?

How was Christmas

celebrated in the past?


Women’s’ history month

What can women/girls do?



Significant figures who have been to space

Who has been to space?

What did they do in space?

How did they get to space?

Understanding the World


Places we have been with our family

Where have you been with your family? How did you get there? Who did you go with? What did you do while you were there? When did you go?

Who celebrates


What is it like in India?

Exploring nature in our wider community

What can you see in nature?

How are the things you’ve found different?

Why do some people

celebrate Chinese New Year?

What is it like in China?


Map work

Recycling and how we can take care of our world.

Look at what rubbish can do to our environment

What is a map? Why do we use maps?

What do you like/dislike

about Ramsgate?

What is recycling? What can we recycle? Why do we recycle?

How can we look after the world?

Have you ever been to a different country?

Why is Africa Amazing

Understanding the World


Online safety (Think before I click & ‘Smartie the Penguin’, taking photos, IWB games, Multimedia (video & music) and researching

Digital self portraits

Sound recording – digital speech bubbles

Can you Paint on an iPad to draw a digital self-portrait?

Can you record a message using the speech bubble?

QR codes

E books

Reading apps

Can you use a website to

read ‘books’?

History focus – old tech

What technology did they have in the past?

What technology do they

have now?

How has technology changed?

Science focus – digital


What does it look like

under a microscope?

Deography focus

Google maps/Earth

Beebots on maps –

following instructions

Where is Ramsgate?

How do we make the

beebot move?

How can we

get the beebot from ___ to____?

Art & sport focus

Stop watches

Digital art

What is your favourite

sport? Why?

Expressive Arts (Art)

Colour mixing and printing

Mould and manipulate

play dough

What colours do you mix to make ___?

How can you


share the play dough?



Pattern- Rangoli,


Colour & emotions- Picasso,

Clay- Diva lamps and

Christmas cards

What is a self-portrait?

Print-repeating patterns,

Observational drawing-flowers,

Brushwork & mark

making- Chinese calligraphy

How can you make a

repeating pattern? What

comes next?

What is an observational


Easter cards- collage

Spirals and dots

Clay spirals,


What is collage?

How can you mould/use

the clay?

Collage- scenes of areas,

Class family tree -Andy


Observational drawings

Who is in your family?

Art Week

Weaving- Fabric printing, wax resist painted


Clay- African

tile, embossing.

What is weaving?

Expressive Arts


Peg doll

How can you make a peg doll? What does your doll need? Why

Rockets & Christmas


How can you make a

rocket? What does your

rocket need?

What Christmas decoration are you going to make?

How are you going to make it?

Chinese lanterns &

Dragon construction

How can you make a Chinese lantern?

Pop-up cards & Spoons

Can you use 2 different pop-up methods?

This is not a box

What are you going to turn your box in to? Why? How

are you going to make your box into a ___? What does it need? Why?

African jewellery box and savoury snacks from garden

How can you make African jewellery? What materials/colours will you use? Why?


What stories are special and why?

Where do we belong?

What times are special and why?

What is special about our world?

Which people are special and why?

Which places are special and why?


Sing a range of well-known nursery rhymes and songs.

Perform songs, rhymes, poems and stories with others, and (when appropriate) try to move in time with music

Physical Development


Cooperation Games


Ball skills


Obstacle Activities


Team Games

Sports Week

PHSE including British Values

Golden Rules: Safe, Kind and Ready

Mutual Respect


Rule of Law

Individual Liberty


Recap all British Values